Wolf's works

Joseph Wolf, 1895.

Das Foto wurde 1895 in The Life of Joseph Wolf von A.H.Palmer veröffentlicht.

The photograph was published in The Life of Joseph Wolf by A.H. Palmer in 1895.

Nice / Nizza by kind permission of Albert Scharbach
Pheasants, 1847 by kind permission of Prof. Dr. Armin Geus
Hooded Gyrfalcon 1871(Collection Brian Bird)
"When I saw this pencil, ink watercolour of the hooded gyrfalcon, I had no hesitation to know that it was by the hand of a master. I have flown two gyrfalcons and can see the qualities of feather depth and plumage within this work….Genius!"

David Brittain Collection – The collection is held by Emmanuel College Cambridge. A few works are still in David Brittain’s possession.

Christopher Frearson Collection – This is a private collection.

Zoological Society London – The Zoological Society possesses a large number of Wolf’s works commissioned by them.

The Ibis (journal) – Wolf provided a total of 74 illustrations for the Ibis from its publication in 1859 until 1869.

Aberystwyth School of Art Collection – Karen Westendorf was kind enough to provide us with the collection of woodcuts and a watercolor of a Panther.

Harris Museum Collection – In the Harris Museum, Art Gallery and Library there is a fine collection of Wolf’s sketches.

Year Author Title Illustrations Year Author Title Illustrations
1845 Rüppell, Dr. Eduard Systematische Übersicht der Vögel Nord-Ost Afrikas 50 1864 P.L. Sclater Quarterly Journals of Science
1833-50 Siebold, P. Frantz Fauna Japonica 23 1864 The Illustrated Penny Almanack 12
1844-53 Professor H. Schlegel & H. Wulverhorst Traité de Fauconnerie 12 1864 H.W. Dulcken The Golden Harp 7
1846-52 Susemihl, J.C. und Eduard Abbildungen der Vögel Europas 10 1864 Alfred Newton, M.A. Oötheca Woleyana, Part 1 Accipitres 3
1846 J.Wolf & F. Frisch Jagdstücke der hohen und niederen Jagd 1866 Stevenson, Henry, F.L.S. The Birds of Norfolk 4
1844-49 Gray, G.R. The Genera of Birds 12 1866 Harting, J.E. The Birds of Middlesex 1
1850 Knox, A.E. Game Birds and Wild Fowl, their Friends and their Foes 4 1867 Tennent, Sir James Emerson The wild elephant, and the Method of Capturing and Taming it in Ceylon 8
1852 Burton, Richard F. Falconry in the Valley of the Indus 1 1867 Edward Garrett, M.A. Aesop’s Fables 6
1853 Arnold, J.T. Reynard the Fox 12 1867 Tristram, the Rev. H.B. The Natural History of the Bible 21
1853 The Poets of the Woods 12 1867 Lloyd, L. The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of Sweden and Norway 4
1854 Joseph Wolf Feathered Favourites 12 1867 Argyll, the Duke of The Reign of Law 4
1855 Knox, A.E. Ornithological Rambles in Sussex 4 1867 Maunders‘ Treasury of Geography 1
1856 Andersson, C. J. Lake N’Gami 14 1867 Joseph Wolf Zoological Sketches (2nd Series) 50
1857 Livingstone, David Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa 12 1868 Buchanan, Robert W. North Coast and Other Poems 4
1857 The Book of Job 8 1868 Routledge My Pet’s Picture Book
1858/1882 James, T., M.A. Aesop’s Fables 19 1869 Wallace, A.R. The Malay Archipelago 2
1858 King, the Rev. S.W. The Italian Valleys of the Pennine Alps 1 1869 Elliot, D.G., F.L.S., F.Z.S. The new and heretofore unfigured species of the birds of North America 15
1858 Drawson, Capt. A.W. Sporting Scenes among the Kaffirs of South Africa 8 1869 / 1885 Ewing, J.H. Mrs. Overtheway’s Remembrances 1
1859 Freeman,G.E. and Capt. F.H. Salvin Falconry: Ist Claims, History and Practice 6 1870 Knox, A.F. Autumns on the Spey 4
1859 R. Patterson Zoological Diagrams 14 1872 Darwin, Charles The Expression of the Emotions in Man and animals 2
1859 Thompson, James The Seasons 7 1872 Elliot, D.G., F.L.S., F.Z.S. A Monograph of the Phasianidae 100
1859 Wordsworth, William Poems 12 1873 Lyrics of Ancient Palestine 1
1859 Wood, The Rev. J.G. The Illustrated Natural History 50 1873 Gould, John The Birds of Great Britain 57
1860 Bennett, George, M.D. Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australia 3 1873 Elliot, D.G., F.L.S., F.Z.S. A Monograph of the Birds of Paradise 37
1860 Dunlop, R.H.W. Hunting in the Himalaya 4 1873/4 Joseph Wolf The Life and Habits of Wild Animals 20
1860 Atkinson, T.W. Travels in the Region of the Lower and Upper Amoor 4 1874 Picture Posies 10
1860 Montgomery, James Poems 7 1876 B. Tümler Thierleben. Kriegs- und Friedensbilder aus der Thierwelt 20
1861 William White Cooper Traits and anecdotes of Animals 6 1876 Brehm’s Thierleben: allgemeine Kunde des Thierreichs 20 +
1861 Tennent, Sir James Emerson Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon 17 1878 Wood, The Rev. J.G. Routledge’s Picture Book of Birds 17
1861 Routledge The Alphabet of Birds 1 1879 Dresser, H.E., F.L.S. The Birds of Europe 30
1861 P.H. Gosse The Romance of Natural History 8 1879 Golden Thoughts from Golden Fountains 3
1861 P.H. Gosse The Romance of Natural History (2nd Series) 4 1880 Harting, J.E., F.L.S. British animals extinct within Historic Times 3
1861 Eliza Cook Poems 6 1882 Wilson, Dr. Wild Animals and Birds, their Haunts and Habits 24
1861 R.A. Willmott English Sacred Poetry 7 1883 Elliot, D.G., F.L.S., F.Z.S. A Monograph of the Felidae 43
1861 Joseph Wolf Zoological Sketches 50 1883 Gould, John The Birds of Asia 24
1862 / 1867 Johns, The Rev. B.A. British Birds in their Haunts 190 1883 Harting, J.E., F.L.S. Sketches of Bird Life from Twenty Years‘ Observations on their Haunts and Habits
1863 Baldwin, W.C. African Hunting 6 1892 Buxton, E.N. Short Stalks or Hunting Camps.: North, South, East and West 2
1863 Reade, W.W. Savage Africa 3 1894 Richard Lydekker The Royal Natural History 17+
1863 Bates, H.W. The Naturalist on the River Amazons 4 1895 Big Game Shooting 11
1864 Campbell, Col. Walter My Indian journal 4



Gyrfalcons Striking a Kite, 1856







